Sunday, October 31, 2021

The latest Information regarding Covid-19 for Indonesia and it's resort area of Bali- Rules - Visas -Applications-


Below is the latest Information regarding Covid-19 for Indonesia and it's resort area of Bali from the Facebook Page the "Bali Covid-19 Update" with 42.0K members Posted by Jackie Pomeroy

31 October 2021


 Bali Summary. New cases in Bali yesterday were 25 and recorded Covid-19 deaths were 

1. The 7-day average for new positive cases was steady at 21, while the 7-day average for deaths was also steady at one. Active cases in Bali numbered 309.

• Yesterday’s national data (source: BNPB), see the table attached and chart #1. 

The counts on 30-Oct-21 were: new positive cases 620, recoveries 698, and deaths 27.
• Total individuals tested for all Indonesia on 30-Oct-21 were 156,340 with 0.40% positive. (See chart #2.) The 7-day simple average positivity rate is 0.40%.

• Bali reported testing 37,343 individuals in the 7 days up to 29-Oct-21, with a 7-day positivity rate of 0.40%.

• Bali vaccination numbers for 30-Oct-21 were: First dose 3,416,221 (76.5% of the population); second dose 2,945,530 (65.9% of the population); 7,310 additional doses yesterday. (Percentages are based on the population number used by the Ministry of Health (4,466,595, source unknown), which is slightly larger than the BPS number.)

• Bali numbers for 30-Oct-21 were: new positive cases 25, recoveries 28, and deaths 1.

• Distribution of new cases on Bali is shown in chart #6. 

**NEWS **


The Bali Hotel Association has a good website for information:

• SatGas SE No. 20/2021

• Minister of Transportation MenHub SE No. 85/2021

• Minister of Law and Human Rights KepMenKumHam No. M.HH-03.GR.01.05/2021

• Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. SE/00081/PK/10/2021/64
What countries are on the List for tourists?

The National Task Force SE 15 permits foreigners from 19 countries to enter Bali or the Riau Islands as tourists from these countries by direct flight: Bahrain, China, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Norway, France, the UAE, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Spain and Sweden to enter Indonesia as tourists.

What kind of visa will be required and how do travelers get it?

Kepmenkumham No. M.HH-03.GR.01.05/2021 added tourism to the B211 visit visa activities. 

Online application must be made to the Director General of Immigration through a SPONSOR, and that sponsor must be a DJI-approved travel agency or tourism-related corporation. 

This is likely to result in charters and tours arriving in Bali before independent travelers. 

What are the requirements for a tourist visa?

In addition to the existing B211 visa requirements, the tourist visa requires proof of accommodation for the duration of the visitor’s stay in Indonesia (not just quarantine), and proof of $100k health insurance with Covid coverage.

Will holders of B211 business visas, KITAS/KITAP visas be permitted to fly directly to Bali?

No. MenHub SE No. 85/2021 states that Jakarta and Manado are the only entry points for non-tourism visa holders, while Ngurah Rai International Airport and Batam Airport are the only entry points for tourism visa holders.

When will the Ministry of Transportation issue regulation(s) needed to enable DPS to reopen?

We believe MenHub SE No. 85/2021 satisfies this, but it needs to be confirmed by Angkasa Pura.

Will the new regulations require charter flights or regular commercial flights?
MenHub SE No. 85/2021 permits scheduled and chartered flights to land at DPS.

How many days of quarantine will be required?

SatGas SE No. 15/2021 specifies quarantine of 5x24 hours IN the hotel room only.

What hotels in Bali will offer quarantine bookings?

All hotels with quarantine agreements with the government are listed on the Bali Hotel Association website:

After quarantine, will visitors be permitted only in the Green Zones or can they visit all of Bali?

After quarantine is successfully completed, tourists will be permitted to visit all of Bali.

What app will tourists use for Covid-19 tracking, and has it been tested?

Tourists will be required to have PeduliLindungi loaded into their phones and eHAC completed before departure and to use it while in Bali.

What rules will apply to these tourists for entering malls, beaches and tourist attractions?

They will be subject to the same rules as all Bali residents.


This is not intended to be a comprehensive travel reference, but just tracks recent changes. 

Other Bali Facebook groups offer lots of travel advice.
• When you fly to Indonesia -- requirements for entry: 

1. Valid visa (see below). 

2. Proof of full vaccination (physical or digital). 

3. Negative PCR test result in English sample taken within 3x24 hrs of departure (including infants). 

4. Confirmed quarantine booking (QR). 

5. PeduliLindungi installed on your mobile (and eHAC completed there if possible).

• Check this web page for a summary of the latest onshore and offshore visa application requirements.  

IMPORTANT. The airline will want to see you have installed PeduliLindungi and filled out eHAC in that app. 

It is NOT REQUIRED to have your vaccination certificate uploaded and validated in the app. The paper vaccination certificate or card is fine for entry, or your home-country digital certificate works, too.

• No Visa on Arrival is being issued, but the borders are open for those with Diplomatic, Dinas, B211 or visit visas, family, or KITAS/KITAP visas. B211A visit visas have been expanded to include tourism activities.

Ngurah Rai Airport will be open to international flights from selected countries beginning 14 October, but no airlines have yet applied. Quarantine will be required. 

Details are evolving.

• Jakarta and Manado airports are open to international flight arrivals and quarantine.

• Jakarta quarantine hotels and their package prices are all listed here:

• You can upload your vaccinations received outside Indonesia here:  

Warning, only some embassies have thus far agreed to validate the data (mainly because of privacy laws). Detailed instructions for establishing your PeduliLindungi account are in the section below. 

• See the Garuda info here for updated domestic and international flight requirements


The Ministry of Health is gradually improving PeduliLindungi, but it remains a challenge for many foreigners without a NIK. 

The government KNOWS there are problems with the system and they are working on it. Best strategy is to chill.

• If you have received at least one dose in Indonesia and want to access PL without a NIK, follow the instructions in the attached guide. It has worked for a number of people in this and the Telegram group.

• You can upload vaccinations received outside Indonesia into PeduliLindungi here:

• Passport holders from the US, Singapore, Belgium, France, UK, Russia, Portugal, South Africa, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark and Brazil have all CONFIRMED validation of their overseas vaccinations in PeduliLindungi. 

• Embassies in Indonesia which have confirmed they can NOT verify vaccinations in their home countries: Norway, Sweden, Croatia, Austria, Australia, and New Zealand.

• For help with validating overseas vaccinations into PeduliLindungi, email: . For help with correcting PL info/data regarding vaccinations from the government in Indonesia, email: It can take over a month and require some photos, but members have been successful with both.


This section is crowd sourced, please add your input in the comments.

Vaccination clinics in Bali yesterday were informed by the Provincial Department of Health that they could serve foreigners a) with KITAS and NIK, or b) KITAS without NIK only if they are >60 years of age or >18 years of age if they have a profession as a teacher in Indonesia or are a representative of a foreign country or are a representative of an international organization. 

B211 visa-holders who have received their first dose will be able to get their second dose at the same location on the assigned date.

Foreigners with B211 visas now have only one option in Bali: Klinik Utama Vidyan Medika is providing Sinopharm Vaksin Gotong Royong. Jl. Bypass Dharma Giri No. 88, Gianyar, Bali. Phone 0361-3500089, call to book an appointment. 

Editors Comments: 

The end of this pandemic is near. 

 I want to thank Jackie Pomeroy for her very detailed and very accurate daily evaluation of the COBIT 19 crisis that we have endured businesses March of last year.

She provides excellent facts and sources.

 The future?

It's also important to look into the future which is what I've been doing for the past 23 Years in Bali with my former "Bali News & Views Blog" which had 1.6 million page views when I expanded it to "Bali + World News & Views" which is approaching 200,000 page views totaling together 1.8 million pages .

As a hotel manager of award-winning villas for the past 17 years and one of the most successful realtors in Bali I believe I have a lot of experience and knowledge to base my predictions on.

Let's first of all look at the overall facts before we make a prediction.

  1. The facts are after over two years of COVID-19 Cases world wide finally cases and deaths are on a decline in almost every country in the world. So much so that many countries have decided to open the borders such as the usually very stringent counutry of Singapore and Thailand who are allowing international tourists arrivals without any quarantine at all.
  2. Australia who up until a few weeks ago with saying that they don't expect any tourists to believe in their country going anywhere is until March of next year are now talking about possible Australian tourists coming to Bali as early as this month November 2021.
  3. It appears the vaccinations are working with over 75% of Bali vaccinated with at least one vaccination and most already have their second shot cases and deaths has dropped dramatically.

Even more important is that the serious situation we had just a few months ago in August when we had as many as 50 deaths a day as a result of the COVID - 19 variant has diminished to zero or one per day.

Hospital beds are empty in many of the Hospitals in Bali which is a great sign.

Although many people have criticized governments around the world including our local and international government I for one who lives here with my family have felt very safe with the rapid distribution of vaccinations and professional handling of those that became infected in Bali. 


As I tell people would you rather have lived in America during this crisis. As  I also tell people I feel it's more safe here than I do in my own home country of Canada.

New attitude live with COVID -19:

Many of the top specialists in the world nervously expressed the opinion that we may have to live with a little bit of Covid  in the future just like we live with the common flu. 

I mean seriously if we've only had five deaths in a week out of 4.5 million people this really not worse than the common flu which kills people that are older and have other conditions.


 Radical Predictions:

           Lawrence providing predcitions at Bali Seminars

 So I am going to give you a few predictions that may sound pretty radical and are not guaranteed to happen at all.

  • I'm 99% sure that in November we will begin to see some international arrivals directly to Bali. Add those to the already surging numbers of domestic travellers from Jakarta's major cities such as Jakarta and Surabaya and that alone will fill a lot of the hotel rooms.
  • I believe there's a very good chance that the government will realize that if someone is coming on a plane has been vaccinated twice and has two PCR tests before they arrive there's very little chance of them having COVID-19 after they arrive. I do not expect 100% to be COVID-19 free.
  • I believe there's very little chance of them infecting the general populace unless of course there's another new variant which is more dangerous.
  • I believe there's a good chance that the government may drop the quarantine to two days or zero days.
  •  I know one thing is a true fact I can guarantee that once the international airport opens with no quarantine we will not have normal flow of tourists we will have a surge that few ever expected because people have pent up demand for wanting to come to Bali. Especially after earlier this year Bali was recognized as the number one sought after tourist desgination in the world by Tripadvisor.
  • Huge Profits from Bali Real Estate
  • And finally Bali's real estate market, which has been severely damaged starting before the crisis with the sell off after the government stopped allowing nominee agreements and then when COVID hit when many foreigners who were holding onto villas and properties could not afford to pay the expenses and were forced to sell at 20% to 30% or as much is 50% off.
  • As a result of the sell off anybody who buys in the next couple months in my professional and personal opinion without any bias should make tremendous profits in the very near future. Subject of course to other natural or man-made disasters.
  • Based on my experience of owning my own company with the exception of a few months over the past 50 years I am sure  that this will pass and everything is going to look a lot rosier next year.

    History Should Repeat Its self

  • They often say the only  thing we learn from history is we are doomed to repeat it.
  •  I hope that we are doomed to repeat what happened in the early 20s after two years of a Spanish Flu they had the roaring 20s. One of the most exciting profitable times in the entire history of the United States occurred from 1920 to 1930s.
  • So hopefully we will repeat that history as well.
  • There will be many naysayers as there always are when you make radical predictions and not all my predictions will come true. But just like playing blackjack if you're right 60% of the time you will be successful. 
  • Wishing you a better November, last two months of the year and 2022. 



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