Tuesday, November 30, 2021

PPKM Java-Bali Extended until December 14th. - Some Regions Return to Level 2

 Editor's Comments

The Virus that just keeps on giving.

Yesterday we reported that P.P.K.M. regulations, the Indonesian government's protocol for handling COVID - 19,  had ended and  had not been extended.


Later the news came out that they have now extended P.P.K.M. to December 14th.

One of the main reasons is that after achieving one of the lowest death rates per capital of the top 20 nations suddenly a new variant of Covid - 19 Rears Its Ugly Head in South Africa.

It has been named Omicron.

There has been a lot of confusing information regarding this ne variant.

Key people in South Africa are saying it is not as bad as the normal one. 

Others are saying is much worse.

One thing we do know for sure is like most other variants by the time they report it in the news it most likely has already spread to most countries.

No OMICRON in Indonesia Yet?

So far there's no reports of OMICRON in Indonesia but there's a very good chance it could be here already.

After scanning the news the last few days it appears that they don't know yet if the current vaccines will work against it. 

There is a lot of confusion worldwide.

The bottom line is it appears that our hopes and dreams of hordes of international tourists returning to Bali for a Merry Christmas have been dashed.

Omicron Ghost of Christmas Past?

A character of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, who visits Ebenezer Scrooge in order to show him his past, especially certain events around Christmases of past years that contributed for the change of heart of Scrooge from liking to despising Christmas.  

Although Bali’s International Airport was opened on October 14th. it doesn't look like  there will be any International Tourists flying directly to Bali in the coming weeks to enjoy year-end celebrations.

 I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is better if we understand what's going on and plan appropriately.

This will end soon:

One thing that I do know for sure is that this pandemic like the similar one before it the Spanish Flu Pandemic from 1918 to 1920 only lasted two years.

The first sign signs of COVID - 19 appeared worldwide in the fall of 2019 so we are now two years into this. If nothing else happens it should end by itself.

In 1918 they didn't have vaccines or new pills to prevent deaths, so I think we are much better prepared.

Hang in there! Use this opportunity to clean up your computers, your homes, your careers and your businesses and your relationships.

This too shall pass.


Kompas.com - 29/11/2021, 22:11 WIB Share: Comment Residents pass in front of the COVID-19 mural in Jakarta, Tuesday (2/11/2021). 

The government has lowered the status of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) from level two to level one for the DKI Jakarta area according to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 57 of 2021. ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan/foc. 

View Photos Residents pass in front of the COVID-19 mural in Jakarta, Tuesday (2/11/2021). 

The government has lowered the status of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) from level two to level one for the DKI Jakarta area according to the Instruction of the Minister of Home 

Affairs Number 57 of 2021. ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan/foc. (BETWEEN PHOTO/SIGID KURNIAWAN) Residents pass in front of the COVID-19 mural in Jakarta, Tuesday (2/11/2021). The government has lowered the status of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) from level two to level one for the DKI Jakarta area according to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 57 of 2021. ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan/foc. X Penulis Fitria Chusna Farisa | Editor Bayu Galih JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Spokesperson for the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves), Jodi Mahardi, confirmed that the Community Activity Restrictions ( PPKM Java-Bali ) were extended for 14 days. The policy was extended from 30 November to 14 December 2021. "It was extended by two weeks," said Jodi when confirmed, Monday (11/29/2021). Also read: PPKM Evaluation Results, Luhut Calls the Covid-19 Situation in Java-Bali Stable Meanwhile, in an evaluation meeting for the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Java-Bali region, Monday (11/29/2021), Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the pandemic situation due to the transmission of the corona virus in Java-Bali continues to show improvement. 

This is the impact of the PPKM which has been in effect for several months. "The implementation of PPKM which is still being carried out in Java-Bali shows a fairly stable trend," Luhut said in a written statement. Get information, inspiration and insights in your email . Register email Luhut said the number of Covid-19 cases in Java-Bali was low. Confirmed cases decreased by 99 percent compared to the peak of cases last July. Also read: PPKM Evaluation Results, Luhut Calls the Covid-19 Situation in Java-Bali Stable Nevertheless, Luhut said that currently there was an increase in the value of Rt (an increase in national active cases). Specifically in Java-Bali, the increase occurred 4-5 consecutive days in the initial period of the emergence of the Delta variant. Based on the results of the November 27, 2021 assessment, there were an additional 23 regencies/cities that entered level 2 of PPKM. 

Then, 8 districts/cities entered level 1. Also read: Luhut-Erick PCR Business Allegation, Civil Society Coalition Ready to Audit PT GSI According to the World Health Organization (WHO) assessment, 10 districts/cities that returned to level 2 were in the Greater Jakarta area. 

This is due to the decreasing number of tracing or screening members of agglomerations in the region. Luhut also explained the results of the Java-Bali Google Mobility survey and the Public Expenditure Index. 

The survey results show that community mobility is quite significant compared to the Christmas 2020 and New Year 2021 periods, as well as approaching the 2021 Eid al-Fitr holiday period. 

"Therefore, we must be careful of indications of an increase in cases and mobility, especially during the Nataru period so that strict social restrictions are not repeated," said Luhut. Get updates selected news and breaking news every day from Kompas.com. 

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Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul "PPKM Java-Bali Extended until December 14, Some Regions Return to Level 2 ", Klik untuk baca: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2021/11/29/22113581/ppkm-jawa-bali-diperpanjang-hingga-14-desember-sejumlah-daerah-kembali-ke?page=all.
Penulis : Fitria Chusna Farisa
Editor : Bayu Galih

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Indonesia one of the safest places to avoid death from Covid 19 in the world for two years -Just one death on Sunday (Nov 28)


Sunday, 28 Nov 2021 10:22 PM MYT

People receive a shot of the Sinovac's Covid-19 vaccine during a vaccination campaign at the Patriot Candrabhaga Stadium in Bekasi on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia. - AP

JAKARTA, Nov 28 (Xinhua): Indonesia on Sunday confirmed 264 new Covid-19 cases, raising its tally of infections to 4,255,936, according to the country's Health Ministry.

The ministry reported that the death toll from the virus in the country rose by one to 143,808, while 275 more people recovered during the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of recoveries to 4,103,914.

Indonesia started mass Covid-19 vaccinations on Jan 13 after the authorities approved the emergency use of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine.

More than 138.53 million people have received their first doses of vaccines, while over 94.33 million have taken the second doses.

Indonesia has administered over 234.09 million doses, including the third booster jabs.

The Indonesian government aims to vaccinate 208.2 million people in the country.

Meanwhile, Indonesia has banned international visitors who have travel histories from eight African countries in the last 14 days, to prevent transmission of the new, more contagious variant of coronavirus Omicron to the country, an official said on Sunday.

Arya Pradhana Anggakara, spokesman for the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, said the eight countries are South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Eswatini, and Nigeria.

"If any foreigners from those countries come, they will be immediately refused at the immigration checkpoint" Anggakara added.

This Southeast Asian country also temporarily suspended visits and limited stay visas for citizens of those countries.

The policy is to take effect on Monday (Nov 29). - Xinhua 

Indonesia one of the lowest death rates per population in the world from COBID - 19.

 It is important to note that Indonesia which has the fourth-largest population in the world has the third lowest deaths from COVId - 19 per population of the top 20 countries where COVID - 19 cases have have been documented.

Indonesia has only had 518 deaths per million people during the course of this pandemic.

By comparison the United States had almost 5 times more deaths per million population at 2,395 per million.

Considering that the United States is supposed to be one of the highest quality healthcares in the world I find this surprising. 

Another way of looking at this over the past 2 Years Indonesia has been one of the safest places regarding avoiding death from Covid 19 in the world

Death rate per million people top 20 countries Nov 29th 2021

  Country, Total Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Population
Other Cases 1M pop 1M pop

World 261,758,685 33,581 669.3
1 India 34,578,749 24,715 335 1,399,087,302
2 Philippines 2,831,807 25,367 433 111,631,712
3 Indonesia 4,255,936 15,332 518 277,591,391
4 Turkey 8,746,055 102,155 893 85,615,390
5 Malaysia 2,623,816 79,632 920 32,949,075
6 Germany 5,782,961 68,713 1,205 84,160,960
7 South Africa 2,961,406 49,062 1,488 60,360,124
8 Iran 6,108,882 71,445 1,516 85,504,572
9 France 7,620,048 116,378 1,816 65,476,789
10 Russia 9,570,373 65,540 1,868 146,022,541
11 Spain 5,131,012 109,683 1,880 46,780,268
12 Ukraine 3,422,023 78,914 1,963 43,363,807
13 UK 10,146,915 148,373 2,117 68,387,784
14 Poland 3,507,828 92,829 2,197 37,788,261
15 Italy 5,007,818 82,998 2,215 60,336,672
16 Mexico 3,883,842 29,684 2,246 130,837,902
17 USA 49,099,590 147,122 2,395 333,733,637
18 Colombia 5,065,373 98,079 2,487 51,645,633
19 Argentina 5,326,448 116,351 2,545 45,779,126
20 Brazil 22,080,906 102,853 2,861 214,685,129 

Monday, November 29, 2021

PPKM in Java-Bali Ends Today?

CNN Indonesia
Monday, 29 Nov 2021 07:05 WIB

PPKM in the Java-Bali region, which has been extended since last November 16, ends today, Monday (29/11). Illustration of PPKM Java-Bali. (CNNIndonesia/Adi Ibrahim)
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --

The implementation of Community Activity Restrictions ( PPKM ) in stages or leveling to deal with the corona virus ( pandemic Covid-19 ) in the Java-Bali region which has been extended since November 16 last ends today, Monday (29/11).

Meanwhile, PPKM outside Java-Bali will only end on December 6, 2021.

During the last two weeks of PPKM Java-Bali, there were 26 Regencies/Cities with Level 1 status, then 61 Regencies/Cities at Level 2, and 41 Regencies/Cities with Level 3.

Overall, all administrative regions in DKI Jakarta are still setting PPKM Level 1 in the implementation of PPKM in the past two weeks.

While areas in Banten apply level 1, including Tangerang Regency and Tangerang City. Then West Java, namely Cirebon City, Pangandaran Regency, Bekasi Regency, Bogor City and Banjar City.

Level 1 areas in Central Java include Tegal City, Semarang Regency, Semarang City, Magelang City, and Demak Regency. The level 1 areas in East Java are Surabaya City, Mojokerto City, Madiun City, Blitar City, and Pasuruan City, Kediri City, Jombang City, Lamongan.

Several policy relaxations were also implemented in the Java-Bali PPKM level 1 areas. For example, face-to-face learning is a maximum of 50 percent.

Exceptions are given for special schools that can hold face-to-face learning up to 100 percent. Then, essential sector offices may be open up to 75 percent. The application of PeduliLindung is the company's obligation.
See Also:
RI Claims Task Force Has a Chance of Passing the Third Wave of Covid Nataru

Another rule is that places to eat and shopping centers are allowed to open until 22.00 local time. Visitor capacity is limited to a maximum of 75 percent. The people's market may be fully operational.

As of Monday (28/11) this morning, there is no sign of whether the government will stop the Java-Bali PPKM completely, or extend its implementation again.

However, the government will continue to evaluate the implementation of PPKM in Indonesia every two weeks. The government will also categorize districts/cities in Java-Bali in levels 1-4 based on the established assessment indicators.

The indicators set include the number of Covid-19 cases, deaths, recovery, testing and tracing, the occupancy of beds or hospital BOR, to the achievement of the number of residents who have received doses of the Covid-19 vaccine in their respective regions.

Baca artikel CNN Indonesia "PPKM Jawa-Bali Berakhir Hari Ini" selengkapnya di sini: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20211129063021-20-727194/ppkm-jawa-bali-berakhir-hari-ini.

Amazing Offer - Large Bali Luxury Villa with Vaccinated Staff in Green Zone Starting from IDR 114,000 ($8.00 U.S.D.) per Guest.

*Prices include a personal domestic helper 5.5 days per week.

Over the next three months we are offering incredible rates to rent our two, three & four bedroomLuxury Villas or Bali Paradise Beachfront Estate at incredible prices.

These 350 m to 650 m² meter private villas and estates offer maximum protection against the coronavirus as nothing is close enough to expose you or your family to the virus. 

Large private swimming pool:

Best of all the villa has a private swimming pool from 9 meters to 14 meters by the beach.

During this period of time, it is important to keep yourself healthy and fit.

There's no better way to do that then 10-20 laps in your own 9-14 mtr pool. 

"We loved Lawrence place so much that we decided to extend our stay. Location is perfect, 7 mins walking to the beach. Coffee shop, cafe, mini market, bakery near by. The villa is well maintained, we love everything about the villa, very suitable for family with kids like mine. We cooked everyday, so having kitchen with equipments are very helpful. They provide rice cooker, baby chair, bread toaster as my requested. And they even provide cleaning lady everyday. We will definetly will come back to emerald villa ☺️ Thankyou Lawrence, Ratih, Mbok (our cleaning lady ) ❤️” 2021-08

Best of all our Villas are all located in one of only 3 Green Zones in Bali which have been designated by the government to be COVID-19 free in the coming months.

In the last few weeks they have started a massive inoculation program of everyone who lives and works in this Green Zone.

Testimonial 2020
"This place is even better than the pictures! Bedrooms are good size and comfortable, family area/kitchen is open with huge door which leads right out to the pool. Everything is well maintained. Service in the villa is great and room service from the restaurant was excellent. The staff also helped us rent a motorcycle which gave us freedom to see everything. My friends in Bali who came to visit thought it was a great place for the price." K.J. England

Our 70+ staff are the first to be fully vaccinated across Indonesia.

 Fully equipped modern kitchen.

Each kitchen has its own large marble and teak kitchen with a full size fridge and four hob stove plus all the utensils to make your stay comfortable.

Remember you don't have to wash the dishes as the housekeeper will take care of it. 

Fiber Optic Wi-Fi, TV and Phone:

You also have high-quality fiber-optic Wi-Fi, a television and a phone to keep in touch with your friends and relatives.

 Award Winner 24 Hr.

Owner, Azizah & Lawrence with 70+ staff at head office, Sanur PT Bali Luxury Villas 
Management: This villa and estate is managed by PT. 17 year old Bali Affordable Lifestyles International and PT.

Bali Luxury Villas will provide you with a free gardener, pool cleaning service and private housekeeper, reception and maintenance services.

Hi I am Yanthi the sales manager at PT. Bali Luxury Villas.

My staff and I are available at any time to answer your questions and take a resrevation in English or Bahasa Indonesia. 

We can recommend the perfect Villa to suit your family needs.

Call or email me direct

Yanthi di +62 815-5890-0389 atau


Diva di +62 81934681685

Ratih di +62 81239007686 

Reception kami di PT Bali Luxury Villas di +62-361-284069


Owners Azizah & Lawrence

Lawrence. B.M.B, is the Owner, President and General Manager of PT. Bali Affordable Lifestyles International (PT. B.A.L.I.). And 17 years. He spouse Azizah, is a fully licensed Indonesian Notary with a Master's degree in Indonesian Law specializing in real estate, corporate and Marriage documentation. Together they and their 70+ professional staff provide a one-stop and efficient location for Buying, Selling, Renting, and Renting Asian Real Estate.

They received the coveted Tripadvisor Hall of Fame Award after receiving the Certificate of Excellence Award every year for ten years.


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Huge Estate in Beach Front Complex Starts at $8.00 Per Guest

 You’ll have the 450m2 Four-bedroom, Five bathroom Estate to yourself.
Live your dream and wake up to the sound of crashing waves and an amazing view of the sun rising over the Channel Islands and the stunning 3,200 MTR. Mt. Agung, Volcanic Mountain from your own private Estate.
This estate is ideally located only 18 minutes from Sanur and 25 minutes from Ubud, two of Bali's top five resort areas. Enjoy your own private walkway to the beach. Magical walks on the remote beach which runs for 30 km and the sound of exotic birds will make you never want to leave.
The view from this estate

The Estate:

This luxurious estate was built a few years ago by one of Bali's leading luxury Villa developers. He spared no cost when installing solid marble flooring, kitchen tops, and bathroom fixtures.
A key feature of the estate is a 14 meter, 45 ft. private swimming pool which has several areas for children. This will keep you in shape and healthy during this difficult time provide hours have been this pleasure for you and your family.
First-class furniture, beds, and bathroom fixtures can be enjoyed throughout.
A  two-person Jacuzzi tub compliments the huge master bedroom. 
Guest Access:
Guests can freely walk about the almost 1 Hectare complex which includes private access to the beach.
Other things to note:
Whether you rent one bedroom or four bedrooms you will have private use of the entire four-bedroom estate including a private 14 m swimming pool. The bedrooms you do not rent will be locked. 

The ground floor with the pool and the gardens are completely enclosed by a high wall which gives you 100% privacy and security. 
There is only one other estate in this complex at this time it faces another 

Bali Paradise Beach Estates Coronavirus Special.

Starting as low as  ($8.00 U.S.D.) per guest per night.

Private 450 m² Four bedroom five bathroom Executive estate.
with your own private 14 mtr. swimming pool.

Covid-19 Prices:

*Prices include a private housekeeper 5.5 days per week. It does not include 11% tax or electricity.

If you're interested please contact us.   
Bahasa English Lawrence, directly at 62-8123814014.
Bahasa English or Indonesian contact our Rentals Manager. Yanthi at +62 815-5890-0389 or our Reception at  PT Bali Luxury Villas at 62-361-284069

Bali Luxury Retirement Villas  2.98 Milyar

(* $184,888 U.S.D. or$268,888 Aus.)

You may now Invest, Vacation or retire full time or part-time in Bali while achieving very handsome returns with this freehold property for Indonesian buyers or over 80 years of leases for Foreign Buyers included in the purchase price starting at USD 184,888.

Pretty well everything you need to know including location, prices, and designs plus information on Bali and Bali retirement visas is available on our web site https://www.baliluxuryretirementvillas.com.

       The following is available on our website:

Features of © Bali Luxury Retirement Villas as low as * $184,888.

•100% legal for foreigners.
• Includes leases totaling 80 yrs.
• Private carport included.
• Private 8 m (27 Ft.) pool** for leisurely laps.
• Only 200 Mtr. To a fabulous beach, restaurants, beach clubs.
• Great investment for you and your heirs.
• Private Housekeepers & drivers, only $200 MTh.
• Healthcare at a fraction of Western costs.
• Brand-new hospital within five minutes.
• Award-winning international Airport 35 min.
• Proximity to Sanur, Ubud, Denpasar.
• Walking distance to affordable restaurants and beach clubs
• Shared low costs of pool man and gardeners.
• Minuscule monthly common area fees.
• Managed by 15-year-old, Hall of Fame award-winning management company.
• *Price of the least expensive villa in U.S.D. after $10,000 Discount for the first two villas only. Subject to change without notice.
• **Eight-meter first-class swimming pool Only U.S.D. $28,888 Extra.

Developed and managed by 14-year-old Hall of Fame award-winning Bali company.

Our 15-year-old Bali company Pt. Bali Affordable Lifestyles International (PT. B.A.L.I.) with over 100 + staff and thousands of satisfied clients guarantee completion of any villas purchased now in 2020.

We are a Ten-Year Consecutive “Certificate of Excellence” recipient on the World's Largest Travel Site and was awarded their "Hall of Fame Award", in 2019. This is awarded to only 2 % of the Hotels & Villas listed on TripAdvisor Worldwide"


These villas offer you an opportunity to own a luxury home on arguably the Best Island in the world with some of the greatest weather, lowest cost of living, clean air, and friendliest people.

Profit Now Move in Later:

You may not be ready to pack up and move to Bali in the next few years.
So, you may purchase now at these ridiculously low prices and we can normally rent them out for you for a monthly income of $1,500 to $2,000 U.S.D. per month.

Our 15-year-old “Hall of Fame” the award-winning management company that manages villas for V.I.P.s such as the former director of General Electric and Ritz Carlton can provide substantial net monthly income to supplement your pension while providing a carefree rental unit.
Confused? We understand that you may have concerns that we may not have even thought of, so feel free to ask whatever questions you wish.
We do not want you to even think about purchasing our © Bali Luxury Retirement Villas unless you are 100% convinced that they are safe, and perfect for you and your family.

Limited Offer: Save $10,000:
As with any new project we are anxious to sell the first few villas.
We have one already on hold and are only willing to offer one other villa at a $10,000 discount. First come first serve.

Free Stay in Luxury Estate:

If you wish to fly over and see the location first after you place a USD 2,000 Deposit we will offer you free accommodations in a 4 bdrm. 5 bath luxury beach view estate with a private 14 m pool for three days within walking distance of the location.

When you decide to conclude the purchase, we will extend the free estate accommodation for an additional four days.

Should you decide not to continue with the purchase we will refund your $2,000 Deposit minus $200.00 for the three-day stay.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to review this information and information on the website. If there is any further information we can provide you please do not hesitate to ask.

Cheers, THE SALES TEAM © Bali Luxury Retirement Villas

PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL US: Tel: 62-361-284069 Mobile or Whatsapp 62-812-3814014 Email: infoBLRV@gmail.com

P.S. We also have several larger villas available from two-bedroom to four-bedroom starting as low as $158,888. www.baliluxuryvillasales.com

Huge 450 M2 Estate In Beachfront Complex Save $100,000 at only $488,888 Freehold or 80 year leases
For those of you that when you live in luxury for a fraction of Western costs we have this magnificent four bedroom five bathroom 450 m² luxury estate with a private beach entrance in a beachfront complex with views to die for.
Please contact us if you wish for further information. Tel: 62-361-284069 Mobile or Whatsapp 62-812-3814014 Email: infoBLRV@gmail.com


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“Pioneer of ©Bali Luxury Villas, Sanur”

“Pioneer of ©Bali Luxury Villas, Sanur”
PT. B.A.L.I. pioneered Bali Luxury Villa Complexes in Sanur and Gianyar.

PT. B.A.L.I.

PT. B.A.L.I.
Since 2004

Owners Azizah and Lawrence

Owners Azizah and Lawrence
Owned by Azizah an Indonesian Notaris & her Canadian Husband Lawrence a resident of Bali for 26 years. They and their 70 + professional staff provide a one stop professional, efficient service for Buying, Selling, Leasing and Renting Bali Real Estate.

Bali Luxury Villa Sales Start at 3.68 Miliar ($228,000)

Bali Luxury Villa Sales Start at 3.68 Miliar ($228,000)
Bali Luxury Villa Sales Start at 3.68 Miliar ($228,000)

Amazing.... these villas are so good

Yumiko's review of your place Lovely Large Luxury Villa - Private pool & Maid Jan 21 – 30, 2024 Public review We visit emerald villa many time. We feel like this villa is my house in Sanur,Bali. All staffs are very friendly and helpful. We love Sanur. not too much people but convenient and beautiful area. Our most fun is surfing. surf almost every day. We can walk to beach soon . I cook breakfast every morning. We also enjoy near local Bali food and many kinds of restaurants for lunch and dinner. We can require Bali massage at villa. very comfortable.I really recommend the stay . Thank you. Our next visit is March. of course must be fun.

Your Own Bali Luxury Retirement Villa $284,888 U.S.D

Your Own Bali Luxury  Retirement Villa $284,888 U.S.D
2 Bedrm - 2 Bath Start Private Pool 200 Mtrs to Faboulous Beach

Features of © Bali Luxury Retirement Villas starting as low as * $184,888

• 100% legal for foreigners.

• Includes leases totaling 80 yrs.

• Private carport included.

• Private 8 m (27 Ft.) pool** for leisurely laps.

• Only 200 Mtr. To a fabulous beach, restaurants, beach clubs.

• Great investment for you and your heirs.

• Private Housekeepers & drivers, only 3 Juta.

• Healthcare at a fraction of Western costs.

• Brand-new hospital within five minutes.

• Award-winning international Airport 35 min.

• Proximity to Sanur, Ubud, Denpasar.

• Walking distance to affordable restaurants and beach clubs

• Shared low costs of pool man and gardeners.

• Minuscule monthly common area fees.

• Managed by 15-year-old, Hall of Fame award-winning management company

• *Price of the least expensive villa in . after 150 Juata Discount for the first two villas only. Subject to change without notice.

• **Eight-meter first-class swimming pool Only 460 Juta Extra

Please contact us if you wish further information.

Whatsapp 62-812-3814014

Email: infoBLRV@gmail.com

Your Own Bali Luxury Suite or Apartment Start at1.44 Miliar ($88,888 U.S.D)

Your Own Bali Luxury Suite or Apartment Start at1.44 Miliar ($88,888 U.S.D)
Now you can enjoy a luxurious Bali hotel suite or room for free and earn attractive income as well

Testimonial Bali Emerald Apartments

Sept 2023 - Fedor gave your place 5 stars! Fedor had great things to say about their stay

Bali Luxury Villa Rentals Start at 1,500,000 IDR per couple

Bali Luxury Villa Rentals Start at 1,500,000 IDR per couple
Bali Luxury Villa Rentals Start at 1,500,000 IDR per couple

Recipient of Tripadvisor’s Hall of Fame award

Recipient of Tripadvisor’s Hall of Fame award
The World's Largest Travel Site Trip Advisor has issued PT. B.A.L.I. their highest accolade “The Hall of Fame Award” for qualifying for their Certificate of Excellence Award each of the past Ten years. This prestigious award is granted to only the top 2 % of the it’s Hotels and Villas worldwide.


"Hi Lawrence, It has been a pleasure to do business with you over the years and it is a further pleasure in this day and age to do business with such a trust worthy man. Very kindest regards." Ken H. England

Limited Villas Book Now to Avoid Disappointment:

Limited Villas Book Now to Avoid Disappointment:
Interested parties please contact Lawrence, directly at 62-8123814014 Email: lbptbali@gmail.com Or our Rentals Manager: Yanthi at +62 815-5890-0389 or our Reception at PT Bali Luxury Villas at 62-361-284069

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© Bali Paradise Beach Estates

© Bali Paradise Beach Estates
Sales start at 4.6 MILIAR

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Lowest Priced Beach View Property
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