Thursday, March 30, 2017

5 Things For Retirees To Consider When Settling In Bali

bali retirement

Editor's comments; 

I have been predicting for years that the next wave of Bali real estate buyers will not be from investors but from retirees who are part  of the great baby-boom generation representing 25% of the world population and 50 % of the cash.

As the article below points it is happening now. 

Now that baby boomers are free from work, and financial obligations such as mortgages, child's education, etc. they can retire in Bali and live like royalty with private maids at $200 a month and a cost living that is minuscule when compared to most cities.

With perfect year-round weather and friendly honest Balinese we have the perfect environment for Bali to become the retirement Island of choice for the world. 

It is already the number one destination according to a recent report from the world's largest travel website, Tripadvisor.

We can assist you to obtain a five-year retirement visa and you can purchase one of our Bali luxury Villa with three bedrooms and private swimming pool for as little as $139,000. 
Three-bedroom Bali luxury Villa private swimming pool only 139,000

Contact me direct at

People will not have any problem looking for reasons to retire in beautiful Bali. There’s no doubt the Balinese are warm and friendly people, their religion is fascinating and their culture is interesting. Most importantly, Bali provides the world’s most awe-inspiring beaches, excellent shopping complexes, delicious food and all the conveniences of home. If that’s not enough, your foreign currency stretches way further here, allowing you to live a comfortable lifestyle for just a few pennies of your dollar.

That said, however, it still helps to consider and evaluate some factors before finally deciding to settle and retire in Bali for good. Here are some of those key points:
Test the waters

It’s no secret that a lived experience is entirely different from a short holiday escapade. It’s recommended to stay for at least three months to get a feel of the real Bali life while exploring all the different vibes of the region.

That should also be long enough to get you adjusted to the various weather conditions. It should also be long enough for you to start building your network, which can help you adjust and cope with Bali life in the event you finally decide to stay and retire.
Know the visa requirements

The government’s immigration department issued revisions to regulations granting those over 55 years of age with temporary stay permits. The latest version of these regulations came out in April 2002, which made the requirements within easy and affordable reach for most retirees.

The expat only needs to meet the other requirements which include a passport and other relevant travel documents of more than 18 months of remaining validity. He also needs to provide a bank statement from his country of origin or in Indonesia as proof that his available funds can sufficiently provide for his living expenses.

Retirement visa arrangement fees may range from Rp.5 million (US$375) to Rp.7 million (US$525) with some firms offering other services including a coordinator for seniors, according to Living in Indonesia.
Identify your expat needs

As a retiree, you should consider your health needs and whether or not you will find your medical and health requirements taken care of in a foreign country. While Bali has some hospitals that provide excellent quality health care, if you have health issues that need ongoing medication or monitoring, you may want to reconsider your decision.

Health insurance for expats over a certain age in the region comes so costly that not many retiring foreigners are able to use it. The country’s retirement visa, however, takes out 70 percent of your hospital bill, which is good enough for emergency purposes.
Understand Balinese life

Bali and its island life offers a slow and gentle way of living, as opposed to the fast-paced environment in the western world that you may be accustomed to. You should get used to people not rushing to get things done and try to understand that they are content with that pace of daily life. Take time to adjust to some of the cultural differences.

This may include the expensive cost of alcohol and the friendly neighborhood. See how well you may just be able to easily blend in.
Learn and embrace the culture

To say that the local culture in Bali is still alive and active is an understatement. Daily Balinese life is a consistent reflection of its culture. Every house has small offerings placed in random places (such as the main entrance) to help ward off evil spirits.

The Balinese people make offerings for just about everything that they pray for. They do so every day for things like peace, harmony and luck. Other bigger ceremonies are celebrated for such occasions as birth, death and putting up the foundation of a new house. Bali also has a local banjar, which is a community that has been put in charge of maintaining the local temples and organizing the main Balinese rites.
See: Retirement in Indonesia, Not That Difficult

Image credits: ChinaTimes, LinkedIn, CNN, ArabicZeal

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Canadian Celebrates it's 150 Independence Day

Editor's comments. 

 I just realized that my yearly trip with my family to my home country of Canada this year from the West Coast to the East Coast will be perfect timing as it is the 150 year anniversary of Canada's Independence.

Please share this if you are proud to be a Canadian 

I assume there will be some extra special festivities taking place in Vancouver where we be enjoying a private home exchange.
I am sure our boys will really enjoy and look forward to help my fellow Canadians celebrate this special day.



Canadian Independence Day

The autonomous Dominion of Canada, a confederation of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the future provinces of Ontario and Quebec, is officially recognized by Great Britain with the passage of the British North America Act.
During the 19th century, colonial dependence gave way to increasing autonomy for a growing Canada. In 1841, Upper and Lower Canada–now known as Ontario and Quebec–were made a single province by the Act of Union. In the 1860s, a movement for a greater Canadian federation grew out of the need for a common defense, the desire for a national railroad system, and the necessity of finding a solution to the problem of French and British conflict. When the Maritime provinces, which sought union among themselves, called a conference in 1864, delegates from the other provinces of Canada attended. Later in the year, another conference was held in Quebec, and in 1866 Canadian representatives traveled to London to meet with the British government.
On July 1, 1867, with passage of the British North America Act, the Dominion of Canada was officially established as a self-governing entity within the British Empire. 
Two years later, Canada acquired the vast possessions of the Hudson’s Bay Company, and within a decade the provinces of Manitoba and Prince Edward Island had joined the Canadian federation. In 1885, the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed, making mass settlement across the vast territory of Canada possible.

Please be quiet: Bali's tourism shuts down for a day

Uptin Saiidi | @uptin13 Hours
While massive blizzards and extreme weather in places like New Yorkcan leave hotels and airlines scrambling to alternate staff and schedules, the tourism industry in Bali has a somewhat similar challenge every year: Day of Silence.

Nyepi, a Hindu celebration primarily celebrated in the Indonesian island calls for a day of silence on March 28 and is marked as time for self-reflection. The ritual mandates the absence of work, entertainment and travel, which makes for a 24-hour period during which no flights are allowed in or out, electricity use is limited and cars are prohibited on the streets. Even television provider Indovision ceases broadcasting for the day.

Keren Su | Getty Images

Hotel guests on the island are confined to their property and special arrangements have to be made for a limited staff to keep hotels operating.

The day is a ripple for Bali's tourism industry, which received more than four million visitors in 2015, according to statics from Bali Provincial Tourism Service. That's a stark increase from 1.4 million just a decade earlier.

Many travel agencies and tour operators discourage bookings this time of year because of the disruption, but luckily for its tourism sector, March is typically already low-demand season.

There's a segment of tourists, however, that actually views the day as a unique part of the culture not to be missed.

"It's one of the many elements that actually makes Bali an even more unique tourism spot, which holds special meaning to visitors as well as residents," Dendy Kurniawan, AirAsia Group CEO for Indonesia told CNBC. The airline said it operates around 370 flights in and out of Bali per week. "It is how culture and religious practice have been preserved through times, whilst blended perfectly with the touch of modern world."

Kurniawan said the airline was notified by Indonesia's Ministry to Transportation to suspend all operations at Ngurah Rai International Airport (Denpasar) and is working to ensure the smoothness of its operations the following day.

Eat, pray, code: Is this the world's most relaxed co-working space? Tuesday, 20 Dec 2016 | 3:46 AM ET | 00:46

JetStar, the Australian low-cost carrier, has more than 80 flights per week to Bali from both Singapore and Australia and told CNBC it has been complying and observing the tradition since it began flying to Bali.

At Four Seasons in Bali, hotel guests are notified about what they can and cannot do on Nyepi and they're told all vehicular and pedestrian traffic outside the resort is restricted. In a letter to guests, travelers are told they will receive flashlights to get around the resort and are also invited to participate in art activities pertaining to the holiday.

Because hotel staff are unable to travel around Nyepi, Four Seasons said it arranges for its staff to stay at the hotel to ensure a level of maintained operations.

"It's fascinating that an island of 4.5 million people can shut down for 24 hours," Marian Carroll, director of public relations at Four Seasons Jimbaran Bay told CNBC, adding that it should be on every visitor's bucket list. "It takes a huge amount of coordination and discipline. Only the Balinese could pull it off!"

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Another wonderful day of silence in Bali

At this time the year many people in Bali try to escape or move into hotels to avoid staying home for Bali's day of silence.

I the other had look forward to it. With a large swimming pool and Jacuzzi  in our beachfront residence it helps to use the pain.

This year we lead up to Nypei  be by having dinner with good friends Patrick and Joy Murray at the brand-new Bikini restaurant in Seminyak.

 It's been a  longtime since I  been impressed with cuisine. The bikini and its New Zealand chef dazzled us with eye candy that was on only beautiful but delicious.

Course after course had myself and Patrick Murray, a former Michelin chef complimenting each dish with a series of Um's.

Later that night we attended her friend Ashton fashion show at the VIP restaurant in Kuta. Although I did not want to be the  highlight of the night was being the real man among some beautiful Indonesians, including my gorgeous wife Azizah.

Later  we walked the complete grounds of her hotel which is for sale for a ridiculous price of $580,000 for 5000 m² of property worth $750,000 To top that it has 14 bungalow, three swimming pools, several meeting rooms, reception, restaurant, etc.

We talked about how to break it down into smaller units, and now I can see where you can probably buy 1,200 m² with four bedroom hotel for as little for under $288,000. Contact me for more details.08123814014

Later  over at their restaurant and they had their traditional local Ogoh-Ogoh prepared by staff supervised by Shankaris son Jaya. 

Darius, Shankari , Xander

Zankari , Azizah
Balian Beach 
 Today we simply swam around the pool and although the  Cable vision was off the Internet, was smoking fast enabling me to catch up on some long awaited work.

 The next day we drove up to the family homestead  in Balian on on the northwest coast of Bali. Unfortunately a what was normally a two hour drive became five and a half hours.

The pain was eased somewhat by staying in a riverfront brand-new villa that Shankari  of Shankari Jewelry fame had built.

Next morning we woke to just the sound of birds a lovely waking.

Unfortunately it was getting and we did not want to get caught in traffic once again. We left the boys there for the day of silence and we took off back down the coast. Absence of trucks making we made it very fast in about two hours.

Around 6 o'clock will have a dinner in our oceanfront ballet and then recline to our Villa for the night closing the curtains respecting local traditions.

There is no place in the world where a complete resort island shuts down for 24 hours. 

We should all be blessed and happy that we have this great opportunity on the Island of the gods.

Selamat Hari Neypi

Recreational marijuana will be legal across Canada by July 1, 2018

Editors Comments : There goes North America.

Based on extremely reliable information I can tell you that Canada legalizing  marijuana will be a down turn for Canada.

All my marijuana smoking friends are going to argue with me, many will befriend me but none of them can argue with the fact that many of the Canadians that will be allowed to smoke marijuana will do it excessively. 

This will lead to a society of people who will solve their problems simply by getting high instead of working to resolve them.

The simple fact that you smoke marijuana to relax means that you are not relaxing by natural means such as exercise, meditation ect. 
It also means that you are trying to  get rid of stress by simply taking a sedative.

I can guarantee you marijuana will make you stupid, slow, lazy possibly fat because most (not all) who smoke  have a yearning for eating a lot more than normal.
It may lead to another baby-boom because along with the yearning for food comes yearning for sex. 

Maybe Justin Trudeau, Canada's Prime Minister Canada wants to solve the aging problem in Canada where 25% of the population will be on old age pensions very shortly.

Pot smokers will argue that marijuana  is better than alcohol. 

That's like saying having skin cancer is better than prostate cancer.

Everything in moderation is okay, but unfortunately a lot of the new generation of pot smokers will go overboard

The only ones who will  benefit are the Canadian government from taxing what they weren't able to tax before,marijuana. 

Warning. You better remember where you stashed all those joints. When you come to the Indonesia Singapore and many other countries with harsh drug laws you may find yourself six months jail if they find a joint in your luggage on personal clothing.

Canada's tourism will benefit from the new drug laws because many from countries who cannot smoke marijuana will want to vacation in Canada. Much like they vacationed in Holland.

In a the long-term this all falls in line with my long-term theory that economic power throughout history has always shifted from East to West. 

It started with the Chinese thousand of years ago who were the economic leaders of the world until they started using opium then it moved India, to Turkey, Germany, France, England, America back to Japan and and now China again.

Why, simply because each country becomes strong when they have a strong work ethics where everybody's working instead of getting high. 

Then they bring up a generation that doesn't have to work as hard  such as the 60s generation in America and Canada and everybody smoked dope. 
That generation turns into a harder drug generation with the advent of cocaine in the 70's and 80's and Ecstasy plus chemicals this century.

So this is one more step in the degeneration and economic downturns of North America who were the economic power of the world and are losing their grip to Asia where most countries have strong drug laws and work ethics.

All right lets here is from all my Pot smoking Facebook friends. 

There's nothing you can say or 
do to convince me that I am wrong .

Recreational marijuana will be legal across Canada by July 1, 2018, Justin 

Trudeau says
Free to be him. (Reuters/Chris Wattie)


WRITTEN BYLila MacLellan

OBSESSIONThe Green Economy 6 hours ago

Canada’s government is finally introducing long-promised legislation to make recreational marijuana legal across the country. The new law, likely to add to the country’s “liberal haven” reputation, could be in place in time for Canadians to celebrate Canada’s 151st birthday, on July 1, 2018, if not sooner.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government will lay out plans to legalize the drug next month, as early as April 10, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. (One rumor says it may be April 20, or 4/20—a date with significance to weed enthusiasts.) The law would reportedly give power to the provinces to establish prices, while making the federal government responsible for the drug’s safety. Canadians would also be allowed to grow pot at home, but be limited to four plants per household.

The legislation ought to sail through Parliament with little opposition, since it has broad support from the left and right. Before news of the Liberal legislation broke, Trudeau and his party were facing criticism from the left-leaning New Democrats Party (NDP) for running a “cynical campaign” in 2015, when Trudeau promised to make recreational pot legal if elected. The NDP, which is pro-legalization, charged that the pledge was designed to attract young voters and that the Liberals had no intention of following through with the proposal.

And in a surprising softening of its tone on marijuana laws, the leader of the Conservative Party last year also leaned on the Liberals to enact the law, saying it was necessary to begin regulating pot to keep kids from buying it illegally from prescription dispensaries. The federal government would set the legal minimum age to purchase pot at 18, though provinces could set a higher limit.

Already, storefront dispensaries in Toronto, Vancouver, and other cities have been selling pot to those who have a prescription. Some even offer live video-conference appointments with a remote doctor who could write that prescription. Periodically, the dispensaries would be raided by police, but they quickly re-opened.

Legal pot is not expected to bring eye-popping tax revenues for the federal government— at least not in the first year or so. A report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer released last fall suggested that the change would lead to about $618 million in taxes when first enacted, but said that number would likely grow as the industry and market mature. Trudeau has said that the money raised should go toward drug education, addiction programs, and mental health support.

In a recent poll, 51% of Canadians said they supported legalizing marijuana, and 33% said they opposed it. Some 14% of respondents were totally chill, holding no strong opinion either way.

Australian woman dies in Bali villa

By Cindy Wockner and Komang ErvianiNews Corp Australia Network
AN AUSTRALIAN woman, believed to be from North Queensland, has died in a luxury Bali villa complex after drinking what police say was a large amount of vodka.
The victim was with two other Mossman women who tried to save her but she had died by the time emergency services arrived. Police say she had drunk up to 27 glasses of vodka.
Police say there is so far no cause of death for the 38-year-old, who died in the early hours of Sunday morning and no post mortem has yet been conducted.
The woman was staying at the luxury Peppers Seminyak villas with two other females, aged 46 and 20 years.
Police say the victim was drinking vodka with her friends, at their villa about 9pm on Sunday night and is believed to have had about 21 glasses of vodka followed by a further six glasses later in the evening.
She then went to her own villa to get her money as she was planning to go out but started vomiting at the front of her villa and fainted. Police said her pulse became weak and her face and lips burned blue.
The victim’s friends tried to help by giving artificial respiration and a doctor was called about 12.13am who also tried unsuccessfully to revive her.
Seminyak in Bali is a popular destination with Australian tourists. Picture: Istock
Seminyak in Bali is a popular destination with Australian tourists. Picture: IstockSource:istock
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North Kuta police crime section chief, Ika Prabawa, said police were still investigating the cause of death.
“We are still investigating. Based on witnesses she drank vodka and when she came back to her villa she fainted and died,” Mr Prabawa said.
He said police had examined the victim’s villa as well as her friend’s villa where she was drinking.
Police had found empty vodka bottles but there was no sign of locally-produced arak, a spirit which in the past has been responsible for deaths and serious injury of tourists in Bali and neighbouring islands.
Police have sought an autopsy to uncover the cause of death but say they are waiting for the family’s approval for one to be conducted.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Selamat Nyepi 2017

The following Memo went out to our 55 Bali Luxury Villas in Three Villa Complexes Re The Events to take place the next three days in Bali.

Dear Valued Guests/Owners/Residents,
The Balinese New Year “Nyepi” Celebration (The Day of Silence), will occur on Tuesday. March 28th, 2017: 

The celebration lasts three days; the days are called Pengerupukan on Monday, Nyepi on Tuesday, and Ngembak Geni on Wednesday.

~ Pengerupukan: Monday evening, March 27th:

Earth purification offering. Ceremonies will be held at each village's cross roads. Cross roads are considered magical, dangerous and are favorite haunts of the numerous and bothersome evil spirits collectively known as bhuta - ka which abound in Bali who the Balinese believe cause diseases, accidents.

Ogoh, Ogoh Parade:

A highlight of the evening is the Ogoh-Ogoh parade which starts at around 7:00 - 9.00 PM.

We suggest watching the parade of dozens of ogoh-ogoh’s at the corner next to McDonalds Restaurant.
Meal Planning: Meal Planning is important as most restaurants will be closed on Tuesday night for the parade.

Our Emerald restaurant will be open until 5 pm.

We can arrange for an in-villa meal delivered to your villa.

We can also prepare pre-portioned meals for Wed. the day of silence when you cannot go to any restaurants except Emerald villas.
Please place orders with our restaurant staff by calling 270216 or 284069.  
~ Nyepi Day of Silence, Tuesday March 28th:
Tuesday morning starting at 6.00 am is the day of Silence.

You will wake up as you would have 100 years ago to the sound of the birds and winds rustling through the coconut trees and the absence of any modern noise such as motorcycles and automobiles.

 It is a very special sensation and truly a rare experience. TV’s and radios must be kept at a level low enough so that they may not be heard by our Balinese neighbors.

Emerald restaurant will be open from 7 AM until 7 PM on Tuesday. March 28th, 2017 so you can order meals and have them delivered to your Emerald Villa during those times. Our staff during Nyepi is at a minimum so please be patient and order at least three hours ahead.
You are welcome to come to the Emerald Restaurant Bar have a few drinks and play some billiards.
That night close the curtains, keep the lights off, and snuggle up to watch a DVD at low volume. Cable television will be blocked by the providers. Internet and Telephone should still be available but we cannot guarantee. There will not be any maid service since maids cannot leave their homes.

~ Ngembak Geni: Wednesday, March 29th:

The next morning after 6.00 am, is Ngembak Geni and life goes back to normal. The Balinese however will visit their families and relatives to wish them luck and happiness for the coming year. Shops and restaurants are partially open again.

Our President highly suggests a 6.00 am sunrise walk on the beach to view Bali’s offshore Islands with the absence of any man made pollution. It is truly magical.
Should you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to call us at 284069.


For emergences contact your Security guards, Reception at 284069 or Gede at 081337293191 or Lawrence at 08123814014.

We hope you enjoy this truly rare experience.
Best Regards, Happy Nyepi from the Management.

Selamat Hari Nyepi

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Limited Villas Book Now to Avoid Disappointment:

Limited Villas Book Now to Avoid Disappointment:
Interested parties please contact Lawrence, directly at 62-8123814014 Email: Or our Rentals Manager: Yanthi at +62 815-5890-0389 or our Reception at PT Bali Luxury Villas at 62-361-284069

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